Sometimes keeping promises isn't as easy as you think it will be. Over a month ago, I promised on All About Beads that I would take pictures of my figural beaded beads. The next day, we started to remodel our kitchen, and the pictures never got taken. Well...better late than never. Now, remembering that I am not a fabulous photographer, here they are. I've separated them into three categories, people, flora and fauna. People includes mermaids, angels, demons, witches, faeries and Scarlett O'Hara. In fauna you'll see a dragon, lion, tiger, kitty, horse, bird, bat, fish, octopus, flamingo, elephant, frog and rubber ducky. The flora category contains roses done in 2 sizes, a morning glory, a palm tree, another tree, a mushroom, a peace lily and a star with a floral design. The star is my own version of Sylvia Beckers star from a very early Beadwork magazine, I couldn't make it her way, so I worked it out another way.
I included a ruler in the pictures, so you can see the scale, but they are usually around an inch and a half long. They are all beads, meaning there is a hole straight through. I forgot to include the ducky bead when I took the picture, but I added it in later(that's why the background is different). I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I enjoy making them.
Be well